If You Don't Know Any Of These Things Then You're Not Ready To Get Married, Read 2&5

1. You're dreading the wedding.

"If the thought of spending the rest of your life, or at least the next 10 to 20 years, with the same person fills you with a sense of dread, you’re not ready to get married.

2. You love your partner, but you're not in love with him or her.

"If you are marrying someone because you think they will be a good mate to you and a good parent, but you are not in love with them, you should seriously consider whether you are ready to be married, or married to this person
 3. You're keeping secrets from each other.

"One sign that you may not be ready to get married is if you are keeping significant secrets from your partner. These can include the way and with whom you spend your time, information about your finances or your frequent use of a substance.

Keeping secrets from your partner is a red flag, according to Uche Juveth Chukwujokwu
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4. You think of divorce as no big deal.

"If you are entering the marriage with the attitude of, 'If things don’t work out, we’ll just get divorced,' this is probably a good indicator that you aren’t ready for the commitment."

5. Your morals and beliefs just don't line up.

"If you have fundamental differences in your morals, beliefs, and ideas, that will cause continued issues in the relationship that may not be able to be overcome. An example of this is not being able to agree what faith your children will be raised in.


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